Bri and Stefen

Bri and Stefen

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

July 4th

For the fourth of July this year we went rafting. However those pictures are on a water proof camera that has like 3 more pictures that need to be taken and then developed! Seriously I cant believe those used to be the norm! After a fun day rating we went over to a friends house and did some fireworks. We went over a couple days later after we got the clearance fireworks and did more. Here are a few pictures from that!

Trying to spell our names.

I am there I promise!

Our most awkward attempt ever at ABC

This is how our friend Lizzy did fireworks. Ear muffs and a hot mit to protect her!

If you look you can see that we are posing along the way. It was so fun and difficult to do.

Letting the baby do some sparklers.

 We had a great fourth! For the rest of July Stefen went on a backpacking trip for scouts which he doesnt have photos of and I got ready for girls camp. It was a pretty relaxed month.

June 2013

June came and went with not a whole lot of action. I made a last minute trip down to Utah to help my sister get ready for a trial mission. Other than that we mainly just played. We did celebrate Stefens birthday by getting a brand new NICE camera. We are in heaven! That of course came with shots of Hulk.
Hulk seriously LOVES this toy! 

action shot!

Stefen took a bunch of photos when he should have been working! 

Stefen found this waterfall while working one day.

Hulk got into a spider web.

I made this yummy jello cookies for an activity I did. Seriously they were sooo good! 

It rained really hard one Sunday night.

So I played in the rain.

Stefen got new work boots and Hulk had to model it!

While in Utah I got to see my Brielle and Jayden! Can you believe how HUGE she it! I just love her!

Jayden had to show me all his faces!

My sister Megan and Mom before she left of her trial mission.

My sisters and I with our seragot older sister recreating a pose we did when we were little. (see below)

Another pose recreation.

My family minus Stefen.

Megan and I!

I got to see my grandpa too! This was the best shot I could get out of him! He just wanted to eat the goodies I brought him.

My "little brother" Orion went through the temple while I was there. This was his celebratory dinner. He left for his LDS mission to Ghana Africa shortly after.