Bri and Stefen

Bri and Stefen

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Me's waterfall adventure!

Bri and Stefen got a new camera! They decided to take us out and go see some waterfalls. Here is our story of all the fun we had!

We asked Bri if we could not be seat belted. We wanted to be able to move about the cabin area. She said we had to least sit. So this is where we found fitting to sit!

We had to hike a little to the waterfall, because our legs are so short we had to rest a lot.

He we all are in front of the waterfall.

We decided to have some time to ourselves so we could contemplate our life with Bri and Stefen.

We went to the top of the waterfall. Bri really wanted to jump in, but she had a hurt toe so we did it for her! It was AWESOME!

Here we are so excited that we just made the jump of a lifetime!

Stefen took us on a little hike with his and we had to chill for a minute while he took pictures of the water.

While Stefen was hiking Bri chilled by this little pool. We decided that it would be fun to walk across the log. But in the end we didnt do it.

Bri and Stefen found this cool natural lake that towards the end of summer, it goes away. And in the spring in fills up. 

After all day we were famished! Bri and Stefen decided on Pizza!


After the pizza Bri and Stefen found a fish hatchery that had a lake attached to it. We decided to get some rays.

All and all we had a fun day! 

Meet The Me's

We decided to start something called The Me's.
It is really hard to take pictures of the two of us when its just the two of us. So we are bringing the Me's on adventures with us and they will get there story told as well as ours! What do you think!?

We were trying to get into the truck to go home and we just couldnt get the door open!

But then Bri decided we should sit and hold hands.

Bri and Stefen Kept telling us about all these statues they saw. But this was the only statue we could find. 

Bri and Stefen decided to go on a walk by the river, but we had to keep jumping these big horse things.

There was a carnival going on but Bri and Stefen werent dressed for a carnival , so this was the only was we could ride.

Bri wanted to get wet so she took us with her.

Stefen didnt want to get went but he almost did!

The Grotto Part Three

Once we rode the scariest elevator ever we got to see some super cool statues. I am only going to post a few because there are LOTS!

A tree is taller than Stefen!!!

Old Road!!!

The Labyrinth! I walked and walked this thing! It made me very dizzy! But it was fun!

Old Stairs!

Sometimes they have church in front of this!
The Grotto was a fun place to visit and I would recommend it to anyone!

The Grotto Part Two

So at The Grotto there are two levels. You have to get a token that costs 4 dollars to ride an elevator to the top of a cliff. It was THE scariest elevator I have ever seen. And the noises it made was even worse. It made so much noise that they had an elevator voice talk to you! 

We had to get away up there!

The Elevator! Scary aint it?

This was right above the doors to the Elevator. Because some chain link is really going to protect you from the elevator crashing down....

The inside of the Elevator that looked much nicer than the outside.

The view from the top!

The Grotto Part One

We went into Portland back in May and after a day a hitting some stores we dont have here and going to the Temple for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We decided to go see The Grotto. 
Its a catholic peace and botanical gardens. It had a super cute church on the property as well as THE scariest elevator ALIVE! I am going to have to do this is parts. Otherwise this will go on for pages and pages.
Welcoming you into the Church.

The main view of the church.

One side.

The other side.

And the stained glass.
I seriously love to look into other churches they are all so different and some are so exquisite. This one was beautiful!